Glorified Wrongdoers
The Book
Discover the truths behind our social structures and the moral contradictions that shape our cultures of exploitation through insightful exploration in 'Glorified Wrongdoers'.
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What is Glorified Wrongdoers
It is a non-fiction book that was written to ensure a new member of the family did not end up like many within our cultures of greed and become ignorant of the realities in which they live. The thought of them becoming just another servile status seeking sycophant that glorifies the wrongdoing our hierarchal cultures celebrate, made writing the book a must. So this idiots guide to our hierarchical cultures was born. As the price of silencing the truth is always our hierarchal cultures, we share what all hierarchies hide behind to shelter from those truths. It is an attempt to convey those basic truths that many within such cultures fail to recognise or dare not speak of, in fear of losing any wealth and status or acceptance and belonging they wish to attain or maintain. An attempt that can now be shared with anyone that has an interest in such things. Well... soonish.
Probe how the societal norms of differing wroth glorify unethical behaviour and exploitation, revealing the underlying truths about our social structures and the impact they have on human relationships.
Uncover the lies behind perceived social worth that perpetuate gross wrongdoing, as this book delves into the implications our social hierarchies have on collective human behaviour.
Explore the moral virtues that disguise human exploitation within our social hierarchies and cultural narratives.
Examine how our hierarchies use fictions to encourage their populations to perceive those fictions as their creators, guardians and mentors, as a way to seize these roles from their parents.
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Glorified Wrongdoers
The Paperback
Glorified Wrongdoers
The EBook