Glorified Wrongdoers
The Book
Glorified Wrongdoers is the book that calls our social hierarchies what they are. Learn the true nature of our groups that suffer from differing worth to avoid being conned by the many frauds all elevated worth relies upon.
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What is Glorified Wrongdoers
Glorified Wrongdoers is a book that shares the unpopular truths all social hierarchies ignore, deny and hide in order to maintain the gross inequality and injustices their elevated worth relies upon. We explore how the ignorance of differing worth taints everyone and every field within these cultures that serve the few at the cost of the majority. We examine the consequences of the gross wrongdoing that is inevitable when immunity is given to a glorified few, as well as those that aid in its execution. We explore how individual and group identities are branded onto all social hierarchal populations in order to manipulate them by using these fictions and lies to serve the interests of the hierarchy, at a great cost to our populations. We expose our largest empire that is emitted from the education systems they own, our medium of exchange monopolists clandestine empire, to understand the repetitiveness of the orgy of war and mass wrongdoing that violates so many without any let-up, and why many willingly sell their sole, integrity, intellect and sense of right and wrong to do the bidding of those wiling to destroy worlds to gain exclusive rights over human worth. We share why the gross wrongdoings we endure and engage in within hierarchal cultures stems from the monopolisation of human worth, and why cultures that value differing worth will always elevate their most prolific wrongdoers above everyone else. This book takes us through our past and present empires that are always more than willing to destroy the lives of millions just to pander to the greed of a few, and ponders our future consequences as we follow in the genocidal footsteps of those that came before us with the addition of nukes in our toolkits of death and destruction. These are just a few of the topics that the book dives into in order to ensure the reader is left in no doubt to the true nature of our social hierarchies.
Probe how the societal norms of differing wroth glorify unethical behaviour and exploitation, revealing the underlying truths about our social structures and the impact they have on human relationships.
Uncover the lies behind perceived social worth that perpetuate gross wrongdoing, as this book delves into the implications our social hierarchies have on collective human behaviour.
Explore the pseudo moral virtues that try to disguise human exploitation within our social hierarchies and their cultural narratives.
Examine how our hierarchies use fictions to encourage their populations to perceive those fictions as their creators, guardians and mentors, as a way to seize these roles from their parents.
The Physical and The Digital
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Current guesstimate :- Jan-Feb 2025