open book

The Bones of The Book.

Glorified Wrongdoers was written to ensure a new member of the family did not end up like many within our cultures of greed and become ignorant of the realities in which they live. The thought of them becoming just another servile status seeking sycophant that glorifies the wrongdoing our hierarchal cultures celebrate, made writing the book a must. So this book, that is a guide in understanding the practices of the parasitic status seekers that call themselves leaders, was born. As the book is attempting to share the truths of our cultures and cover how these truths effect everyone and every field within them, it is as some may imagine with any attempt to address so many interwoven subjects, somewhat on the beefy side of the average book. It maybe more common to split a large content book into a 2, a 3 or a 4 book series in order to satisfy publishers and ultimately generate more profit, but as the motivation behind this book is the passing on of knowledge and not any wealth or social worth that may come from complying with any industries standards, putting it altogether within one book was a must. It also makes it easier for those the book was written for, as searching the lofts, huts or rarely used cupboards trying to find a collection of books creates a higher potential for a missing element (not to mention takes up more space) than having just one book.

With 11 chapters, 600 pages in a 6 x 9 inch format and well over 200,000 words, this book would have any publisher running for the hills, not just because it took over 5 years to write so would never hit any arbitrated deadline, but it is well outwith their profitable sweet spot of 50 to 80 thousand word books, and that's before they even know the content. Now i understand that perhaps most "successful" authors will adhere to the pressures of those that monopolise the market (although it is a lot more accessible these days), but if you are telling a story or passing on knowledge, it takes as many words as it takes (granted, some will use more than others). The idea of stripping it down to the bones or breaking it up into a series of books is mostly (if not solely) a financial one for those that dictate the "industry standards". However, as with all such things, those that set these standards will one day be long gone and another set of gatekeepers will be selling themselves are experts purely on the wealth they attain. Life's ways too short to be keeping up to date with their nonsense, so i will embrace the life of an "unsuccessful" author and stick to my bulky letterbox buster. If writing for wealth was the goal then hitting the publishers preferred word content and sticking to the most profitable genres of thriller, fantasy and self-help books (or do what many "successful" authors engage in by just repeating the valued lies of their time and place) would be a much easier task (in my humble opinion) that writing this book, but as they say, write about what you know and have a passion for, so the truth and the poverty it acquires, it is.

Some may say that the truth is the first casualty of war, however, the truth is the first casualty in becoming a status seeker. Their hierarchies and the wars our status seekers create, are merely an extension of the lies that are required in order to quench the thirst for elevated worth. This book presents our timeless behaviours in an attempt to make most of the knowledge within it as relevant to us, as it would have been for our distant ancestors, or as it will be for our distant descendants. Timeless knowledge is always there to be absorbed, no matter how many of those around us deny its validity.

The book goes over the ramifications of tolerating, valuing and glorifying our most prolific gross wrongdoers. Something we all do to varying degrees. All hierarchies sell themselves as necessary to the populations they violate, and if we value destruction, then few would disagree. If we wish to destroy our communities, then embrace a social hierarchy. If we wish to destroy our curiosity and awareness, then embrace their education systems. If we wish to destroy our health, then embrace their food and health systems. If we wish to destroy our innovation, then embrace their technological industries. If we wish to destroy our freedoms and sense of justice, then embrace their justice systems, and if we wish to destroy our worth, then we should embrace their mediums of exchange that are use to cripple the worth of all who are forced to rely on them. Glorified Wrongdoers leaves no doubt to the true nature of tyranny that our social hierarchies embrace, regardless of what they dress themselves up as.

The first four chapters of the book lays down the matrix of our groups, before we sully our minds on the practices of our status seekers and their social hierarchies. We then descend even further into the glorification of human exploitation to examine how each and every field is snared in a trap of fostering ignorance's and hate by our cultures that happily murder millions to aid in the elevation of a few. We track the repeated patterns of our behaviour in destroying each other so a few can control our mediums of worth, exposing the blatant lies that are used time and time again, from before Alexander The Great, to the world wars of the 20th century and still used widely today. The generality of sociology, psychology, politics, history, slavery, technology, health, law, money, war and education are a few of the topics the book covers.

Scroll down to go though the chapters of the book.

library shelf near black wooden ladder

The 11 Chapters

Chapter 1 - The Individuals Within
The first chapter touches on our nature, our psychology and the behaviours that we are all susceptible to. Where we acknowledge our vast similarities and the reasons for our differences that pale in comparison.
Chapter 2 - Ignorance's
In this chapter we go over the ignorance's we all share and the ones that are necessary for status seekers to sell in order to create our cultures of differing worth. We share our hierarchies most timeless and profitable ignorance's that are regularly rebranded in order to align with the ignorance's of their time and place.
Chapter 3 - Language - The Power of Lies

Here we focus on our languages, how they are monopolised, bastardised, glorified and demonised by our hierarchies as they need to control what others share with one another to manage their populations beliefs and behaviours. How we use them at their best to share something definitively, and at their worse to deceive and harm. We showcase the disrespect language receives among status seekers that use it to manipulate rather than communicate and how with the aid of an army of lying sycophants, language loses all meaning within our cultures that are built on lies. For example- it is reduced to selling things like terrorism and tyranny as equality and justice while the spreading of bullets and bombs (into and onto the bodies of less-thans) is called the spreading of freedom and democracy.

Chapter 4 - History, Herstory and The Story

As the chapter title suggests, we not only explore our history but as embellished story telling is more often than not a status seeking males past time, and to have only a part understanding of anything is somewhat limiting, we abandon tradition and shine a small candle on the devalued history of females to get a little closer to the story of us, without all the glorifying and demonising nonsense our status seekers use to sell their lies or create their fictitious origin stories. We examine why we often go from kind, loving, curious human beings only to devolve into status seekers within the fog of the hierarchical mating years, until often rediscovering much of what we once were in later life.

Chapter 5 - Social Hierarchies - The Power of Hate

We delve into the ways our hierarchal groups celebrate human exploitation as some kind of moral virtue in order to sell their master/slave social systems as something of worth. We show that by forcing and encouraging many to attach their personal identity to their hierarchies fictions, hate can be used to divide and manipulate the masses, and with our most popular modern day servile systems being the pseudo-democracies that pretend to value right, while engaging in and promoting every wrong, we share why this system has produced a golden age for our hierarchies.

Chapter 6 - Our Tools of Exchange

This chapter focuses on how we allow our human worth to be controlled by a few that have monopolised our mediums of exchange, and how those who hide behind the dominance of an exclusive medium of exchange have monopolised the human slave industry in the form of debt slavery to ensure free peoples are largely a thing of the past. We also examine the many benefits of having an inclusive medium of exchange that requires much less wrongdoing to maintain, should we ever come to value such a thing.

Chapter 7 - Right and Wrong v Law and Order

Our largest chapter, as there is much to pick at in our cultures that determine the morality of an act based upon the social status of the individual committing the act. We scrutinize the farce that is hierarchal justice and how their laws and codes that mascaraed as laws, are ignored and championed to suit the whims of the hierarchies that control these systems of hypocrisy so they can be used to justify human exploitation on a mass scale. We also shine a light on the lead up to the laws of the mid 1800's, when the plague of debt slavery took off and spread around the globe.

Chapter 8 - Knowledge - The Enemy of Lies and Hate

To know is to be sure, to believe is to be unsure, but know that we are ignorant is to be more aware than most. This chapter investigates the history of our hierarchies systems of indoctrination that has been so successful over the last couple of centuries in creating the most obedient (and arguably the most ignorant) populations in our history, and how it has been, and still is essential in deceiving people into becoming obedient debt slaves. We also expose how the intelligence ignorance is deployed to encourage and reward obedience, while discouraging and punishing curiosity as our wrongdoers and their enablers celebrate their intellectual ignorance's to intellectualise every lie and every wrong in an attempt to validate their deceptive narratives.

Chapter 9 - The Wealth of Health

Here we present the recurring practices that always leads to the unnecessary deaths of millions of people time and time again, as we put the interests of a glorified few above the lives of everyone else. We probe the monopolization of our health care and foods that put the wealth of a few before the health of the masses, and from scurvy to covid19, we show how the elevated classes have always revelled in their intellectual ignorance's while ignoring and denying the true costs of their self-indulgent and malicious practices.

Chapter 10 - The Tools we make

Our penultimate chapter looks at our species superpower and how our cults of differing worth vastly restricts our ability to innovate and develop as our hierarchies are constantly trying to monopolize and profiteer from every tool, in order to aid in their exploitation of others.

Chapter 11 - Future Echoes

We end with the alternative approaches we could take to create societies that could be valued by all, and where all have value. We ponder the likelihood of an excessively tyrannical future or a more egalitarian one, before ending on a more philosophical note.