glorified wrongdoers front cover
glorified wrongdoers front cover



M. Campbell


The information contained herein should NOT be used by anyone suffering from the ignorance of differing worth, should any such folk continue, they do so at their own risk. To counter any negative effects from the contents of this book, there is an abundance of advice, lies and utter nonsense available from your appropriately qualified local status seekers, who can ensure any ignorance of elevated worth is restored. This is not a self-help or a how to get rich book, there is an abundance of books that caters to exploiting the depression and the greed of those mired within their masters spectrum of productive slaves, this is not one of them. The information provided here is for information purposes only, just as the paper provided here is for paper purposes only. The reader is responsible for any thoughts, acts or actions they may or may not engage in during or after digesting the contents of this book. Seasonings are available.

Copyright © 2024 M. Campbell.

All rights reserved.

As the rampant ignorance’s of social hierarchies can’t help conjuring up almost infinite excuses to justify their wrongs upon their foundations of lies, we get the creation of ignorance’s like eugenics being used in order to justify their narratives and glorify their ignorance’s, this is the level of understanding we can expect from groups mired in the ignorance of differing worth. This siding towards genetics over environments to explain many of the problems that come with societies governed by wrongdoing, allows hierarchies to avoid their major role in these problems. It is always in the interests of glorified wrongdoers to blame anything or anyone but themselves for the consequences of their actions and so genetics is just the latest fashion in diverting their responsibility in the effects their actions cause. With the usual degree of utter nonsense that spews for those of us desperate to be seen as more than others, genes have been blamed for anything from poverty and crime to intelligence and drive, these ignorance’s are usually based of social status and heavily ignore environmental forces. The idea that poverty and crime for example are creations of social hierarchies would never enter the minds of many submerged within a group that glorifies wrongdoing, these cultures of greed have always used the method of demonizing and criminalizing those deemed to be of low social status as a way of elevating their own wrongdoing to a moral deed. Even today many within these cultures that value social status believe their genes are special in some way despite having much less genetic diversity compared with some non-status seeking groups. Genes are for some just the modern day gods used to convince many to bow to those who claim to know them. No matter who we think we are, we are all slaves to what we are (some more than others). Think of our genes as a recipe for a dish and our environments as the ingredients, a recipe can sit idle for years and without the ingredients there is no dish and every dish is only as good as its ingredients. Our chemical, biological, physical, psychological, social and family environments and more, all play a part in how we end up becoming who we are and the groups we create. If we fail to understand our many environments then we fail to understand ourselves and others as we are moulded by the environments we endure. In ignoring our environments to champion our social hierarchies, many ignorance’s maybe common, but we are our environments.

Our earliest environment (on an individual level rather than as a species) begins with the environments of our parent’s reproduction organs, some will have healthier environments than others and can play a role in who we become. Then there is the environment we spend the first nine months of our lives in, there can be vital differences between the environments of one mothers body to another, not to mention the nutritional environment or the different stimuli we get from the environment outside the mothers body. Once we are unleashed into the world, our environments for the vital first three years of life that moulds us can vary hugely, now within all of these environments up until this point, we have not developed our long term memory yet so perhaps it is no surprise that these environments are the least explored in explaining why we become who we become as we can’t consciously recall what we experienced, although we can have fragmented subconscious recall but that’s a different matter. At birth our brains are only a quarter of the size they will become and will grow more in our first year than at any other time in our life, by the time we are three our brain is around 80-85% the size of our adult brains. As our environments and experiences create our neural networks by strengthening the neural connections that get used the most and pruning those we don’t use, we could argue we are largely made who we are from these early environments. To overly simplify it, a happy and safe environment can strengthen our joyful neural network and prune our sad/fearful network and vice versa, at this point our environments have already made us more susceptible to being miserable or joyful, fearful or fearless, anxious or calm….etc. As many parents know, what we call our personalities are largely developed by the age of three.

                            Chapter 1

                                      The Individuals Within

One individual may appear to differ greatly from another (especially within cultures of differing worth) when we only know a limited amount about any individual, but the more we know of anyone and the more we know of ourselves, we can understand and even pinpoint the causes of any differences we have with others and in doing so recognise ourselves in everyone else. To understand our groups and our social hierarchies (or anything for that matter) we must understand their individual components, in this case us. By breaking down our common basic psychological motivations, we can expose our behaviours and similarities. Understanding our psychology is essential in knowing ourselves and those around us, the beauty of understanding our psychology (like anything else) is when we have everything we need to piece it all together, everything always fits perfectly like doing a jigsaw puzzle. Understanding helps us in explaining the mental processes and behaviours that we all engage in and can observe in all around us should we choose to do so. Now despite what many may have us believe, all of us are for all intents and purposes, the same. Our differences are dwarfed by our similarities and only magnified by our ignorance’s. If we think of every trait we have as a spectrum, some of us at one end and some at the other and more in-between, we all stumble along the many spectrums that make us what we are. Our environments, experiences and interpretations of our environments and experiences determine where our base zones become home on these spectrums to give us our individual physiological sequencing. Study anyone close enough and we will understand the reasons why they are where they are on the various spectrums of life. We can of course polarize those at different ends of different spectrums but these differences are slight when zooming out to look at the whole of our spectrums within spectrums. Today many put much of what and who we are or become down to nature and nurture or our genes and environments, but if our genes and our environments make us what and who we are then all that we are is the result of our environments as even our genes are altered by and at the mercy of our environments. We owe the very existence of our genes and ourselves to our environments and the other life forms we share it with, our environments don’t owe their existence to our genes, but we could thank our microbial ancestors.


Chapter 1 ~ The Individual Within

Chapter 2 ~ Ignorance’s

Chapter 3 ~ Language - The Power of Lies

Chapter 4 ~ History, Herstory and The Story

Chapter 5 ~ Social Hierarchies – The Power of Hate

Chapter 6 ~ Our Tools of Exchange

Chapter 7 ~ Right and Wrong v Law and Order

Chapter 8 ~ Knowledge - The Enemy of Lies and Hate

Chapter 9 ~ The Wealth of Health

Chapter 10 ~ The Tools We Make

Chapter 11 ~ Future Echoes


 A Wee Bit About This Book.

What’s it all about? Well as far as this book is concerned we shall delve into the world of our large scale human groups, in particular the most common type being the social hierarchies that most of us have come to know way more intimately than we may prefer, while much will still apply to the sub groups and other hierarchies within them. We will examine how we are treated by them, how we treat each other within them, how we navigate through them, how we change when within them and how we change them. We will be exploring the reasons for our group behaviour as well as exposing many of the most common ignorance’s that infect most of us who are part of such groups as a consequence to our status seekers desperate attempts to convince as many as they can to value the ignorance of differing worth.

Arguably the vast majority of people know their particular social hierarchy lies to them constantly, as they must to maintain their thin veils of superiority that has been built up over generations in order to sell the lie of some being more than others. So we will explore the reasons why so many of us accept and even value being slaves to the interests of a few, and how our social hierarchies maintain their control and dominance over so many by striving to monopolize everything they can, while glorifying their every wrong and vilifying every right that threatens their elevated worth.

We shall peel back the superficial veneer of morality and justice that is used by all of our social hierarchies to expose the ugly side of who we are, as there is nothing uglier in human nature than what we do to each other when we have obtained the ignorance of differing worth to convince ourselves that we are just when harming those we perceive as less-than we are. We would struggle to create a more efficient social structure that could stifle our progress and potential, as well as elevate our cycles of mass wrongdoing as something to be revered, than our cultures of social hierarchies, so we will explore alternatives that can’t be any worse. We will look at our history within our empires of lies and delve into the mass transition from our traditional slave cultures to our modern debt slave cultures, as no social hierarchy or their empires can exist without their slaves.

We will explore the theme park of mass wrongdoing that is created by our cultures that pander to the ideology of differing worth, where lies are truth and truth are lies, where malice is strength and compassion is weakness, where wrongs are right and rights are wrong, where fear is bonding and understanding divisive, where cowards are brave and the brave are cowards, where ignorance is revered and knowledge condemned, where crimes are just and justice is a crime, where change is promised and the promised is changed, where criminals are heroes and heroes are criminals, where blind obedience is order and critical thinking is anarchy, where terrorists are honourable and the honourable are terrorists and where idiots are experts and experts are idiots.

So without further ado, let us climb aboard our endless merry-go-round of lies, inequality and injustice that is championed by our narrators of nonsense who promote the art of human exploitation as a great moral virtue, strap ourselves in and get dizzy on the mythical and magical world of our genocidal self-glorifying wrongdoers, their cheerleaders and the exploited that make up our social hierarchal groups and their cults of differing worth.

Once we reach around three years old we develop our long term memory that ignites the birth of long term conscious recall, this enables us to take our experiences with us throughout our lives and use them to navigate our environments. Obviously there are many experiences we will all share and many we won’t but even our shared experiences can differ greatly in how each individual interprets the experience. The environments we find ourselves in over the next four years of life play a huge role on how we are going to behave and interact within them for the rest of our lives. By around the age of seven we have all but established our own mind-set through all of our experiences and environments and it is this mind-set that we shall more or less take with us for the rest of our lives. Of course we can tweak and alter some of our behaviours and traits with later experiences and acquire knowledge or ignorance’s to increase or decrease our understanding of ourselves and our environments, whether those changes are superficial or genuine, we all adapt to our social environments to some degree. We can look around and see others as so much different from ourselves should we chose to but when we have the knowledge to understand those differences and how they come about, then we can use this understanding to see ourselves in everyone.

We all have our emotions, instincts and intuition to help guide us yet we can often ignore these ancient tool that are so effective. Our emotions that reside in the older part of our brains are our ancient motivators that help us survive. We can learn so much from emotions but can also suffer from them by not absorbing the lessons they teach, if we wallowing in them rather than understanding their cause and how they benefit us, then they can harm us more than help us. Our ability to use reason and logic can helps us override our emotions in order to gain a more accurate understanding of them, this deeper thinking part of us can be found in the newer parts of our brains. In effect we would feel long before we would think, a trait we still all share on occasion. Many believe emotions are what make humans more than other animals but this stems from the more-than/less-than ignorance’s many of us are fond of, however we can recognise humans have some cognitive abilities that not all animals share and this combined with our tool making can set us apart in that regard, but such self-congratulatory thinking can play down the wonder of biology and the variety of survival strategies it creates. Without studying every animal, we could conclude that all animals with a limbic system have emotion. It makes sense for other animals to have this basic guidance system, after all we are all animals. Just as ignorance’s magnify the differences between one human and another, they also magnify the differences between humans and animals while ignoring our similarities.

Where there is life there is consciousness but too many of us believe humans are at the top of the league in the realms of consciousness (surprise, surprise) as we have a habit of elevating ourselves a bit too much. Imagine one species believing they are so special that they dismiss all others as inferior based on their environment alone, or we can save our imagination and enter a social hierarchal education system. Ok let’s limit the needless attempts at humour. All life is related so when we belittle other life forms we are in effect belittling ourselves, just ask the fungi. Think of consciousness as a spectrum and how we can experience more than one particular element of that spectrum, or perhaps more accurately in terms of energy, vibrations and frequencies where we have several forms of consciousness that tap into the various energies, vibrations and frequencies that are all around us. Most of us are aware of our main consciousness, as well as our sub-conscious to some degree and even unconscious elements but the other states of consciousness within us can go unexplored and unappreciated, so it is no surprise that many fail to recognise the different elements of consciousness in other life forms when we often fail to recognise our own.

Let’s take our unconscious state as an example, now we can claim that we have little awareness within this state but that is only if we define awareness by the narrow spectrum of our own particular definitions of awareness or in comparison to the form of our main consciousness. Our unconscious regulates our body temperature, immune system, breathing, shivering and even aids our learning and understanding to name but a few of the things we do in this state, remember we are doing all of these things because we (or at least our brains) are at some level conscious that they need to be done, even if we are somewhat disconnected from that consciousness. Take for example the conscious effort our brains have to make when learning a task like driving compared to the subconscious effort our brain makes when driving a journey we have done countless times before, we can go from fully conscious to totally subconscious with many of the tasks we do if we do them often enough. Many things our subconscious achieves today would have taken up more of our conscious mind in our past and once our subconscious has mastered a task, our unconscious can even take it over to free up both our conscious and subconscious mind. Our conscious mind loves new experiences and hates familiarity. If we define all consciousness by the limited conscious states that our own minds experience then we are guilty of defining the whole by its parts, who is to say our niche on the spectrum of consciousness is any more or less than that of many other life forms. Even a single celled life is conscious of its environment and adapts accordingly and remember we all started as a single cell. When it comes to consciousness as with all things, understanding environments is everything.

We are arguably in a constant state of multi-consciousness but a common and fascinating states of consciousness we may undervalue is the multi-conscious state of mind we occupy when we somewhat waken from sleep, when we are no longer asleep but not yet awake, we are caught between at least two realms of consciousness. Within this state of multi-consciousness between awake and asleep our minds are largely free from much of what the conscious mind is burdened with during everyday life, like what we should, could or need to do, where we should, could or need to be and all the other drivel we must clutter our minds with in order to navigate through a single day within our cultures of nonsense, yet still able at access it at the same time as using our other forms of consciousness. Within this realm of consciousness we can actually use our minds more effectively than when awake. With the knowledge and information we have accumulated over our lives being more easily accessible in some ways as well as being more open to the different interpretations that this state of mind provides us, this state of mind can be great at problem solving when we have acquired enough knowledge to solve a problem but struggle to put all the pieces together with just our main conscious state of mind alone.

Within a similar state of consciousness, let’s call it the empty mind, we can lose awareness of who and what we are and even the time and place in which we exist. Like in the briefest of moments when waking and finding ourselves using a different part of our consciousness that is not tied to the outward realities of our existence, within this time we are free to explore untethered to the self before our memory kicks us back into those realities. As we are all capable of altered perceptions of time, we can elongate such moments to explore and escape our conditioning or ignore those fleeting moments to get back to the familiarity of our main consciousness. Then there is for want of a better term, the creative states of consciousness or perhaps the atmospheric state of consciousness maybe a more accurate term, but whatever we call it this is where we can tune into the different energies, vibrations and frequencies that is all around us, a bit like adjusting a radio to change from one channel to another, we can adjust our consciousness to change to and from different frequencies.

Synaesthesia is one of the closest understandings we have to this ability that can allow us to create and manipulate our creations at will within our heads while awake. This appears to be more common in the developing mind of our childhood, so perhaps it dies off in adulthood because it is not something that is developed, encouraged or even acknowledged by most. The use it or lose it reasoning may explain its loss to many in adulthood. Examples of this state would be the ability to create colourful light shows that dance to music or complex geometric shapes with an abundance of colours that can all be manipulated at will. These can also merge with our physical states of consciousness like the ability to expand our consciousness beyond our own skulls or like the common out of body experience many have when near death and revived from it. For many who have not experienced or embraced these states of consciousness it can all sound rather ridiculous, but a close common experience to some of these states could be compared to what many call the effects of psychedelic plants or drugs. Now we could argue that it is not the plant or drug that creates this effect but instead it merely allows the user to access this state of consciousness that eludes us for most of the time, but that’s a whole other book in itself. If we imagine our main consciousness as a very bright light that regularly outshines our other states of consciousness, then just like how sunshine renders the illuminating powers of our lights to be somewhat redundant, our main conscious can overpower our other states of consciousness to the point where we struggle to even recognise them, thus there are advantages to blocking the sunlight of our main consciousness.

Anyway back to emotions, we could simplify our emotions into the basics of joy or pain, or at least our interpretations of them. Our joy/pain balance can be affected by many things, but we could argue that much of our happiness and misery is a choice as misery can be achieved even when we have all we need or want, and happiness is attainable even when immersed in pain and misery. We all dabble in the power of perception. Many of us often only recognise or perceive emotions based on how we as an individual display an emotion without understanding that different people, like different animals, express emotions in different ways. Imagine we only had our older brains led by emotion to guide us, we may lack a level of insight into ourselves but it would be enough to ensure the continuation of our species. Love ensures we care for our family, fear keeps us from danger, hate helps us protect ourselves, regret helps us not to repeat mistakes, pain helps us avoid their cause, sadness ensures we value what is important to us, joy and happiness help us know what to repeat, empathy and sympathy ensures we care for one another and anger helps us deal with pain and injustice. Then of course our instincts for lust ensures we reproduce, hunger insures a desire to eat and thirst a desire to drink. Without our relatively recent additions to our brains, we may be more led by our emotions than we already are, and we could argue whether that is a good or a bad thing but let’s try keep this book shortish (spoiler, failed).

The spectrums of each emotion have spectrums within spectrums, going through each aspect of a spectrum in order to gain a complete understanding of a whole emotion can take time to experience, and if we are lucky enough there will be some we can remain ignorant of. We are capable of contradictory emotions and we can observe these in most groups, we can hate an individual or group while showing them compassion as well as love an individual or group while showing them contempt. Although we could argue that the ability to be cruel to those we love is a trait used more by those mired in the ignorance of differing worth, while our ability to be kind to those we hate is more common among those less interested in the delusions of elevated worth or other ignorance’s. Either that or we just all have differing interpretations of hate and love. It is much easier to feel emotions than it is to understand them but whether we understand them or not, they do the jobs they have evolved for. Whether we control them to use to our advantage more than they control us to our disadvantage, depends on our experiences, interpretations, environments, and many other things.

Thinking deeply about anything can help us gain a better understanding, but it is not always the best strategy. Intuition is just our subconscious brains drawing on our experiences and knowledge at a faster rate than our conscious brains can. Very useful for tasks and situations where we need to act fast but if we stopped to think too much and ignore our intuition, we could end up in trouble or even make a fatal decision. When we draw on all of the knowledge and information we possess faster than our conscious minds can, we can react intuitively instead of pausing to think. The same goes for knowledge that we have but just can’t recall in the moment, our intuition comes to our rescue again by letting us know we have the knowledge somewhere before our conscious mind can access it. Instincts are habits or skills that we are born with and developed to help our survival to the point where the whole species shares the same trait to become a common instinct. Our instincts and intuition often know more than we do, so we should always value them as we all share them for a reason.

Another thing we share is our DNA as we are all family, and just like any family there are disputes, misunderstandings and wrongdoings, but we shouldn’t allow these to lose track of what we are. We are at our best when we come together as one for the benefit of all, however this can be a rarity within large social groups never mind a social hierarchy. It may be difficult for many of us to show others within our communities the same compassion and understanding we would show our own immediate families, but with a little maths let us take a look at just how those we pass every day are just that, family. If we look at our direct ancestry alone then we all have two parents, double the amount of grandparents then double again then amount of great-grandparents and keep on doubling all the way back, it takes just ten generations back before we reach over a thousand direct ancestors. At twenty generations we have over one million, When we reach thirty generations we have well over one billion and at forty generation well over one trillion. We could go on but we start to reach numbers so big we may run out into our communities and start hugging everyone we meet while saying “hello cousin, fancy a cuppa”. Ok maybe not.

If we were to take an average of one generation being reproduced every twenty five years, it would only take 250 years for ten generations, 500 years for twenty generations, 750 years for thirty generations and 1,000 years for forty generation. So from only 1,000 years ago it has taken over one trillion people to create us, that’s more family than everyone alive today. Now imagine if any one of those human beings who’s actions resulted in our creation did not exist, never met or never conceived at that precise moment that they did, then we would not be here, instead there would be a whole set of different people who are equally as wonderful and as flawed as ourselves. It puts our existence on a personal level into perspective. Just to think about the vast randomness of what came to make us is awesome in its wonder, and when we understand this we have a clearer understanding of who we are as well as who we are to those around us, and them to us.

Time rolls forward for us all but it is only when we look back that we can truly see where we are and where we are going. Most of us in any area of the globe would not have to go back too far in time to find a common ancestor we all share with others from that area. Now if we think about every one of the one trillion people in around one thousand years we owe our existence to, many of those people would have had brothers, sisters, cousins and other children all of whom we are related to, and it is here we see the wider connections between us all. Not to mention all those who were not direct ancestors who may have cared for or supported or even saved the lives of our ancestors. Imagine if we all had knowledge of our family tree going back forty generations, we would not be asking if we are related but how.

Having said all of that, these numbers are based on unique ancestors but we all have duplicate ancestors, after all we live on a planet that’s teaming with our cousins. Incest anyone? Now of course there are always families that get a bit too close on occasion, but this is not to say we all descend from inbreeding, well not too much anyway. If we imagine one of our parents 10x great-grandparents also had a sibling whose line of decedents was our other parent, then both our parents would share a common ancestor giving us a duplicate ancestors. With over ten generations of differing genetic mixing between both parents line of ancestry, there should be enough genetic diversity from our duplicate ancestry to make it far from incest and this is more common than some of us may wish to believe. When we also factor in the limitations social hierarchies impose onto our genetic diversity, we are a lot more alike than we probably should be and we could argue that only a species of in-breeds would value social hierarchies, but that would be to ignore how common in-breeding is among other animals and plants.

Let’s look at it the other way. Imagine we are generation zero who have two children, who themselves have two children each, who also have two children each and so on. On the tenth generation there will be over one thousand people born, now imagine that tenth generations all lived in the same town or city. Then the 20th generation brings us to over a million, then over one billion at the 30th and at the 40th one trillion people born over a thousand year period with the same ancestor, YOU. When we understand this it’s not hard to see how any of our decedents could find themselves having children together especially the further on we go, so it is inevitable that we are going to mate with our cousins (although the more distant the better), knowing our parents and lovers are cousins may sound a little strange but perfectly normal. There is no one on our planet that we are not related to, this basic understanding is important in knowing how we are all so closely connected.

Now let’s go over a few pros and cons of our emotions by exploring the advantages to shutting them off. We can all experience the sense of feeling nothing even for the shortest of time but when we experience the grief of a great sorrow or trauma we can shut off our emotions for longer periods in order to protect us from continued pain. Maybe the effort of maintaining such an intense emotion for so long is why our brains hit this shut off button as a fail-safe, or a bit like an emotional dial being turned down in our brains to avoid overload. Perhaps this emotionally paused mind exists because we can’t maintain any other emotion for as long as we can maintain an intense grief, so we stop feeling altogether as our only way of breaking its grip on us. Most emotions are more temporary with only an intense love coming anywhere close. This emotional void can vary in length and even if our emotional dial goes from off to its lowest setting, we can spend years or even decades in this off to very low state depending on the depth of pain, the comfort of habit or even due to an accumulation of sorrows. Although we all have the ability to shut off our emotions, they are really just on pause until we encounter a trigger that accesses them and allows them to flow again. Like a room in our minds that we shut off and never enter, until one day we find the door slightly ajar or thrust open. There are some who believe those who are in this emotionally paused state of mind are cold or even mentally disturbed with an array of conditions at the ready to attach, but this can come from the perspective of defining someone by a reaction to a cause they know nothing about, rather than understanding the process that resulted from the cause.

So to the advantages of the emotionally paused mind, once established it can be a very Zen state of mind as there is no extreme of emotion to cause any high or any low. Without heightened emotions we rely heavily on our reason and logic to guide us as well as our instincts and intuition. As every emotion has a cause, we can often gain a better insight into emotions within this state as we can observe and understand the cause and effect when void of emotional attachment. Knowledge of emotions with little or no feeling can develop an ability to see things clearer, and with more accuracy as we avoid being clouded by emotion. We don’t need to feel fear to know we are in danger or love to be caring, kind or compassionate. Nor do we need to feel anger to understand injustice, sadness to understand loss or joy to understand the joy in something, that we have helped others, done well or are appreciated.

When we are free from emotion we are less likely to be swayed by emotional manipulators, and as all social hierarchies manipulate their populations on an emotional level, it can be hugely advantageous to feel nothing to avoid falling for their nonsense. For example, if we look at those who champion any social hierarchy outside of the usual self-serving interests, we can see many of their behaviours and beliefs are heavily based on emotion and lacking in reason and logic. At best the paused mind is more aware of a lie or at worse it has less interest in them, either way we can avoid wasting our energy on status seekers or valuing their emotionally based lies when in this emotionally paused state of mind. Life breaks us all, and within social hierarchies there will always be those with the desire to participate in the act of breaking others in exchange for the trappings of wealth and status. We can lose our desire for self-preservation during a great sorrow and there can be a great freedom gained when we abandon this desire. As intense grief can free us from the will to live, there are few who appear braver than the grief stricken.

Well enough about how similar and close we all are to one another, so before we start to throw up, let’s get into some of those small differences and how they affect us within our social groups. When engaging with any individual on a one to one basis, we can see reason and logic in abundance (granted, in some more than others). However, take the same individual and add a third person, then as we have a group, suddenly the reason and logic (in effect the truth) diminishes slightly as group factors such as social status now come into play. Every time we add another individual to the group we often see reason and logic diminish further and further to the point where we have a massive group that status seekers can manipulate using our desire to belong, and stupidity can reign supreme. We could almost make it a mathematical equation, two people plus one equals minus logic and reason squared.

                                                                           2P+1= - LR

How we behave when engaging with only one other individual can differ greatly from our behaviour within a group. When one on one we can be more focused on the person we are engaging with to a point where we can develop a more accurate read on them, this can allows us to gain a trust so we can be more honest with them and them with us. On an individual basis we can usually challenge one another’s ignorance’s more effectively than in a group setting, as groups and status seekers are more likely to interpret being challenged as being attacked when they hear something that they disagree with or threatens their perceived elevated worth, so any real attempt of an honest exchange is often replaced with a display for status that can entrench a groups ignorance’s with its polarizing effect. When we engage with a group there are a lot more people to figure out and there are inevitably going to be status seekers who suffer from the more-than/less-than ignorance among others to contend with. With the increase in numbers, social status becomes something those of us who suffer from an unbalanced ego start to jockey for. While those who have contempt for the ignorance of differing worth may try to challenge people who suffer from it, it almost always proves a fruitless task as they are almost always outnumbered in large groups by belongers who will tolerate status seekers in exchange for the belonging they desire.

Elevated worth often requires an exaggerated reputation of some kind and any self-respecting status seeker knows how to exaggerate their reputation, so exposing a truth can be interpreted as an attack on a deluded minds worth when it exposes the lies their reputation is based upon. Once differing worth has been established in any group it is wise to have little to do with the group, as those capable of grading some humans over others are vastly more capable of wrongdoing, however we don’t always have the option of avoiding such groups. This common collective of senselessness that we can call our group mentality, coupled with our ignorance’s can allow groups to dehumanize others as an excuse for inflicting the wrongs upon them that are necessary in achieving elevated worth, a behaviour our glorified wrongdoers always encourage. By wrapping up the self-serving intent of these wrongs as justifiable acts, we attempt to escape the consequences of our wrongs and so our social hierarchies are born.

We all have a desire to belong and a desire to understand but most of us sway more towards one or the other when it comes to interacting with groups, though our social hierarchy will always encourage belonging over understanding for obvious reasons. Our desire to belong is so ingrained in us that many of us will suffer psychologically to some degree if we are ostracised from the group we belong to, or a group we wish to belong to. Few of us can cope well psychologically with this exclusion, therefore it has and always will be a target of manipulation for all social hierarchies in persuading others to serve their interests. Void of a valued stable group to satisfy our desire to belong, we can be more easily exploited by those offering belonging, even when it is only an extremely superficial version. Those of us with more of a desire to belong than to understand are made to dance to the tune of our social hierarchies in order to gain any kind of acceptance, while those of us who’s desire to understand overpowers the desire to belong will always be targeted by status seeking groups, as their desire threatens to expose the lies all elevated worth is based upon. Understanders (for want of a better term) are commonly portrayed as somehow less-than by status seekers in order to maintain any value in their lies and to elevate and validate their belongers obedience.

Our environments play a huge role in the direction we sway. If belonging is something we lack then we may sway more to becoming a belonger, if we never doubt our belonging then we can sway more towards becoming an understander. Our early family environment can be crucial in this matter, with our desire to belong fulfilled, the desire to understand can grow free from the desire to belong, as this need has already been met. If we lack a strong sense of belonging from our family in early childhood then we can develop a strong desire to belong at the cost of the desire to understand, making us susceptible to the perceived unity of any wider group and so be at the mercy of any groups status seekers and ignorance’s. Our desire to belong and our desire is to understand can be viewed like two opposing sides of a power bar, the stronger one desire becomes the weaker the other, or like a spectrum of desire with belonging and understanding at each end. As belongers we must abandon much of what we are in order to adopt the same facades as those around us, while as understanders we are always in danger of being viewed with suspicion if we do not appear to be projecting the desired facade those around us value, either way we must all adjust to our groups that are shackled by status seekers and their lies.

Most, if not all status seekers are belongers, as we need others to elevate ourselves and to help us devalue others. Many of our status seekers suffer from the Jekyll and Hyde personality…

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